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1 February Horoscope 2024 Prediction

Todat is the 1st day of February 2024. People born on this date belong to Kumbha Rasi or Aquarius zodiac sign. Here, we have predicted a daily horoscope for all 12-zodiac signs. Check 12horoscopesigns.com for Vedic astrology. It has weekly and monthly horoscope predictions.

Aries 1 February Horoscope 2024

Mesa Rasi or Aries zodiac sign is blessed with their ruling planet Mars in conjunction with Venus. Hence, you will have more passion and desire to satisfy your loved ones with all your means.

Taurus 1 February Horoscope 2024

Vrisabha Rasi or Taurus zodiac sign is blessed with their ruling planet, Venus. However, you have the malefic effect from Rahu or the Dragon’s Head and Moon. Hence, avoid trusting others too much.

Gemini 1 February Horoscope 2024

Mithuna Rasi or Gemini zodiac signs ruling planet Mercury is not supportive to you. Hence, avoid people with negative thoughts, backbiters, unnecessary talk’s, and indulging in others fight.

Cancer 1 February Horoscope 2024

Karka Rasi or Cancer zodiac sign people in teaching, professional artists, Media, interior design, graphic designers, creative artists, and models will do well in their business, profession, and job.

Leo 1 February Horoscope 2024

SSimha Rasi or Leo zodiac sign is having the blessing from the Sun and Moon. Hence, you must complete all your tasks before sunset and take a wonderful break in the evening with your family members.

Virgo 1 February Horoscope 2024

Kanya Rasi or Virgo zodiac sign people in business will have to bargain more to get some profits. People in the job and other fields must listen more and talk less today. Avoid people with bad thoughts.

Libra 1 February Horoscope 2024

Tula Rasi or Libra zodiac sign people in love, relationship, and affairs must avoid direct meeting or communicate through digital mediums today. Such meetings will end-up in a breakup.

Scorpio 1 February Horoscope 2024

Vriscika Rasi or Scorpio zodiac sign has the negative influence of Ketu or the Dragon’s Tail and Mercury. Thus, do not argue with others, stare at unwanted elements, and unwanted talks with others.

Sagittarius 1 February Horoscope 2024

Dhanusa Rasi or Sagittarius zodiac sign does not have the blessings from its ruling planet Jupiter. Hence, spend this day, as usual, you do on all Tuesdays. Avoid financial dealings and speculation today.

Capricorn 1 February Horoscope 2024

Makara Rasi or Capricorn zodiac sign is blessed with their ruling planet Saturn in conjunction with the Sun and Moon. Hence, pray to Sani Bhagawan and start your day to be lucky today.

Aquarius 1 February Horoscope 2024

Kumbha Rasi or Aquarius zodiac sign is having the negative effect of Saturn today. However, you are blessed with Mercury and Mars partially. Thus, you will have some good luck and success later.

Pisces 1 February Horoscope 2024

Mina Rasi or Pisces zodiac sign will do well in education, business, and people in jobs. Thus, you can take additional risks in your field, and you will be rewarded for such works.

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