Accurate Future Prediction
Vriscika Rasi or Scorpio zodiac sign have a negative influence from Ketu and Saturn. It can cause hardship today as you have less support from Mars. Hence, avoid taking an additional risk today.
You will be very busy in the coming weeks and learn to help others to solve problems. Be kind when you give others advice. Your instinct will help you make decisions quickly.
Those who are searching for a new job will get interview calls from desired companies. You have to work hard to achieve success in your career. You will have arguments with your lover due to your oversensitivity.
Your financial conditions will be improved. If you have invested in real estate, you will get good returns from it. Take care of your stomach and avoid oily foods.
<Scorpions or Vriscika Rashi people will feel a strong passion for their loved ones. Today, you can express your love and desire to them. They will give a positive response to you.
You will have a peaceful and harmonious day. However, there may be some acrimony in your domestic life. Don’t worry too much because things will return to normal soon. Stay away from things if you are not directly affected. Thank people who have stood by you.
You will have a busy day due to the family function in your house. You will be involved in your co-workers’ assignments. They will be impressed by your creativity.
You will try to do your best but your health and mental health will not let you do this. Students are advised to avoid laziness. You may take over your parental businesses today.
Vriscika Rasi or Scorpions have the negative influence of Ketu. Hence, avoid people with negative thoughts. Talk less to avoid a quarrel with unwanted people surrounding you today.
<Success does not take a conventional path. Today you may have to work instead of relaxation. An old stalled project may finally revive.
It will be a busy day for businessmen/ businesswomen. You will lose mental peace in your job but prevent from fighting with your coworkers.
On this day, your boss will think about your promotion. If you’re in the advertisement field, you may face major disappointments because of your work. You will have eye issues as you spend the most time on your phone.
Scorpions are blessed with their ruling planet Mars with Mercury in the 12th house. Hence, you will succeed with your speech alone in all fields. Thus, take advantage of the opportunities you get today.
Don’t help someone who does nothing but spend time on social media. They need to help themselves and do things that you enjoy. A book you read will be enlightening.
You have to work hard to impress your boss. Don’t be panic because of the rude behavior of your family member. You will face cough and cold issues.
Scorpions or Vriscika Rashi people will spend this Saturday as usual. It will be better you do not take any additional task, risk or work to fail. Such things will end in hardship.
Scorpions will spend this Sunday with fun and entertainment. It is advisable to enjoy it in indoors or outdoors. You can also take your loved ones for outing and fulfil their desire.
You should not be surprised if your partner is unresponsive. Avoid splurging money even if you have sufficient funds. You may get a promotion at work soon. Avoid smoking it will affect your health.
People born in Vriscika Rasi or Scorpio zodiac sign have the blessings from Mercury and Mars. However, you have the presence of hidden planet Ketu. It can cause hardship in your work and profession.
You are keen to learn more about the future. You tend to miss obvious clues in the present while worrying about the future. This tendency is impacting your personal life as well.
The people born in Scorpio zodiac sign or Vriscika Rashi have the negative influence of Ketu or the Dragon’s Tail. Thus, avoid partnership deals, investment in real estate and lending money to others.
You may face arguments with your spouse this day. Because of your stupidity, you will lose your money in shopping. Don’t trust strangers while lending them money. You may face foot-related issues.
Today, you have to concentrate very much on your mind to complete tasks quickly. People involved in research work need to rise focus for better results. Do not underestimate yourself at the workplace. You need to make stronger your qualities.
<You will easily win over your opponent so you are advised to stay calm and take decisions wisely. You will make a new connection. You will get a chance to improve your relationship with your spouse.
Scorpions have good support from Mercury and Venus today. However, the malefic planet Ketu is present in your main house. It will cause hardship in whatever things you do today.
You may get worried about your weight today. You need to start implementing a healthier lifestyle. You can have a cheat day but stick to your diet on other days of the week.
Regarding the financial matter, keep a check on your expenses. You have to face stomach related issues due to your bad eating habits. This day will be romantic for newly married people.
You will meet some new persons. Financially this could be the day that increases your bank balance. Love birds and married couples will have a good time together.
Vriscika Rasi or Scorpions have the malefic effect of Ketu or the Dragon’s Head today. Thus, you will face many hardships in your education, work, or business. Hence, avoid taking additional risks or works.
Your ruling planet Venus is in conjunction with Rahu and Moon. Thus, you must avoid influencing with bad habits today. It will lead to bad health or accidental injuries in the evening.
You will have a busy today as you will need to make important decisions. Your intelligence and experience at work will help solve complications.