Accurate Future Prediction
Today is 2nd October 2024. This auspicious day might be a birthday for many people. They all belong to the Libra sign. Here, we have predicted daily horoscope for other 11 zodiac signs too. It will help you if you explore 12horoscopesigns.com for weekly and monthly horoscope prediction 2024.
Your ruling planet is Mars. It is present in 8th house and influenced by Ketu or the hidden planet. Hence, take precautions in any work you do today. The presence of Ketu will de-motivate you today.
Taureans in love must not expect anything big from his or her loved ones this Saturday. Hence, avoid meeting, outing and for recreational activities. It will end-up in dispute.
Today, you can trust any people born in Virgo zodiac sign. They will bring good luck, money, and appreciation to you. Hence, mingle with them today to make out most of this Saturday.
Cancerians ruling planet is Moon. Hence, it is a full moon day today. It will affect your emotions, energy, lust, and vigour. He or she in love will end up in pleasure relationship.
Today, you have the bad influence of the malefic planet Ketu. Hence, you will find obstacles in your business and job. It would help you if you were with positive thought people.
Your ruling planet Mercury is in the 1st house. Hence, it will affect your communication. It will help you if you avoid lose talks today. However, you will help others with your influential talks.
He or she in love must avoid meeting today. It is because; you have a bad influence from Rahu or the Dragon’s head. It will help you if you spend more time with your family members in the evening.
Scorpions will be successful in their respective field today. It is due to the influence of planet Mars today. The people born on Arien sign will support you much in your profession.
Sagittarians will speculate today as the planet Jupiter influence you much with luxury and pleasure. You will spend leisure time with your loved ones or friends during the evening.
Your ruling planet is Saturn. Hence, Capricorn’s are influenced by unacceptance and problematic today. Hence, pray to Sani Bhagawan and start your day today.
Aquarians have to neutral affect on today’s stellar combination. Hence, you will spend this Saturday as usual. It will help you if you do not spend money on anyone favouring you.
Planet Saturn is in the 7th house for people born in Pisces today. Hence, you must be careful with your money, words, and trust with people. Speculation on anything will bring losses.